Instagram for Sports: Sharing Your Athletic Journey and Inspiring Others

Instagram for Sports: Sharing Your Athletic Journey and Inspiring Others

If you love sports, not just as an athlete but as a spectator, then you have probably been searching for a way to share your athletic journey on social media. You want to document the emotions that come from dedicating hours of hard work and determination towards achieving a goal. You want to share the glory of ending a hard training session that has tested your limits and brought you to the point where your heart is pounding in your chest and perspiration beads on you forehead. Buying instagram likes can help you build a strong social media presence and establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry.

Here are some of the ways you can use Instagram to share your athletic journey and inspire others.

Document Progress

A great way to inspire others through Instagram is to document the progress you have made by posting about it. Post before and after pictures and share your intentions, goals, and plans for upcoming races. Post a motivational quote to inspire others. Post about your daily routines to keep people motivated and engaged with your journey.

Share Training Tips

There is a lot of great advice out there for running, cycling, and other sports but some of the best comes from people who have been there before you and are offering their advice at a comfortable pace so it doesn’t overwhelm you. Post tips on how to get into form or how to deal with a stressful work situation that’s taking away from your training. Don’t be afraid to share stories about how you struggled through your training and could not have achieved a goal without some of the training tips you learned from others.

Share Your Thoughts

There is a lot to say about sports so don’t be afraid to share stories about the races that inspired you, the ups and downs of running, or the daily struggles of being a spectator at a soccer game. Sharing thoughts on various topics can bring up some great conversation points for people interested in doing sports who may have never shared their story before.


Share Videos

Videos are a great way to get people interested in your athletic journey. The best kinds of videos to share are those that are light hearted and focus on the fun parts of sports like playing with a local dog or sprinting around laughing at yourself because you have lost too much weight and your clothes don’t fit you anymore.

Tell Your Story

Your friends and family may not be interested in your athletic journey but they may be more interested in hearing your story than seeing your results from a race. Share the ups and downs of the training you have done and how it has changed over time. Be sure that you think about what to share, who to share it with, before posting because people will judge you if their view of you changes when they see your posts.